
This tutorial was generated from an IPython notebook that can be downloaded here.

theano version: 1.0.4
pymc3 version: 3.6
exoplanet version: 0.1.5

Fitting TESS data

In this tutorial, we will reproduce the fits to the transiting planet in the Pi Mensae system discovered by Huang et al. (2018). The data processing and model are similar to the together tutorial, but with a few extra bits like aperture selection and de-trending.

To start, we need to download the target pixel file:

import numpy as np
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

tpf_url = ""
with as hdus:
    tpf = hdus[1].data
    tpf_hdr = hdus[1].header

texp = tpf_hdr["FRAMETIM"] * tpf_hdr["NUM_FRM"]
texp /= 60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0
time = tpf["TIME"]
flux = tpf["FLUX"]
m = np.any(np.isfinite(flux), axis=(1, 2)) & (tpf["QUALITY"] == 0)
ref_time = 0.5 * (np.min(time[m])+np.max(time[m]))
time = np.ascontiguousarray(time[m] - ref_time, dtype=np.float64)
flux = np.ascontiguousarray(flux[m], dtype=np.float64)

mean_img = np.median(flux, axis=0)
plt.imshow(mean_img.T, cmap="gray_r")
plt.title("TESS image of Pi Men")

Aperture selection

Next, we’ll select an aperture using a hacky method that tries to minimizes the windowed scatter in the lightcurve (something like the CDPP).

from scipy.signal import savgol_filter

# Sort the pixels by median brightness
order = np.argsort(mean_img.flatten())[::-1]

# A function to estimate the windowed scatter in a lightcurve
def estimate_scatter_with_mask(mask):
    f = np.sum(flux[:, mask], axis=-1)
    smooth = savgol_filter(f, 1001, polyorder=5)
    return 1e6 * np.sqrt(np.median((f / smooth - 1)**2))

# Loop over pixels ordered by brightness and add them one-by-one
# to the aperture
masks, scatters = [], []
for i in range(10, 100):
    msk = np.zeros_like(mean_img, dtype=bool)
    msk[np.unravel_index(order[:i], mean_img.shape)] = True
    scatter = estimate_scatter_with_mask(msk)

# Choose the aperture that minimizes the scatter
pix_mask = masks[np.argmin(scatters)]

# Plot the selected aperture
plt.imshow(mean_img.T, cmap="gray_r")
plt.imshow(pix_mask.T, cmap="Reds", alpha=0.3)
plt.title("selected aperture")

This aperture produces the following light curve:

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
sap_flux = np.sum(flux[:, pix_mask], axis=-1)
sap_flux = (sap_flux / np.median(sap_flux) - 1) * 1e3
plt.plot(time, sap_flux, "k")
plt.xlabel("time [days]")
plt.ylabel("relative flux [ppt]")
plt.title("raw light curve")
plt.xlim(time.min(), time.max());

The transit model in PyMC3

The transit model, initialization, and sampling are all nearly the same as the one in together, but we’ll use a more informative prior on eccentricity.

import exoplanet as xo
import pymc3 as pm
import theano.tensor as tt

def build_model(mask=None, start=None):
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(len(x), dtype=bool)
    with pm.Model() as model:

        # Parameters for the stellar properties
        mean = pm.Normal("mean", mu=0.0, sd=10.0)
        u_star = xo.distributions.QuadLimbDark("u_star")

        # Stellar parameters from Huang et al (2018)
        M_star_huang = 1.094, 0.039
        R_star_huang = 1.10, 0.023
        m_star = pm.Normal("m_star", mu=M_star_huang[0], sd=M_star_huang[1])
        r_star = pm.Normal("r_star", mu=R_star_huang[0], sd=R_star_huang[1])

        # Prior to require physical parameters
        pm.Potential("m_star_prior", tt.switch(m_star > 0, 0, -np.inf))
        pm.Potential("r_star_prior", tt.switch(r_star > 0, 0, -np.inf))

        # Orbital parameters for the planets
        logP = pm.Normal("logP", mu=np.log(bls_period), sd=1)
        t0 = pm.Normal("t0", mu=bls_t0, sd=1)
        b = pm.Uniform("b", lower=0, upper=1, testval=0.5)
        logr = pm.Normal("logr", sd=1.0,
        r_pl = pm.Deterministic("r_pl", tt.exp(logr))
        ror = pm.Deterministic("ror", r_pl / r_star)

        # This is the eccentricity prior from Kipping (2013):
        ecc = pm.Beta("ecc", alpha=0.867, beta=3.03, testval=0.1)
        omega = xo.distributions.Angle("omega")

        # Transit jitter & GP parameters
        logs2 = pm.Normal("logs2", mu=np.log(np.var(y[mask])), sd=10)
        logw0_guess = np.log(2*np.pi/10)
        logw0 = pm.Normal("logw0", mu=logw0_guess, sd=10)

        # We'll parameterize using the maximum power (S_0 * w_0^4) instead of
        # S_0 directly because this removes some of the degeneracies between
        # S_0 and omega_0
        logpower = pm.Normal("logpower",
        logS0 = pm.Deterministic("logS0", logpower - 4 * logw0)

        # Tracking planet parameters
        period = pm.Deterministic("period", tt.exp(logP))

        # Orbit model
        orbit = xo.orbits.KeplerianOrbit(
            r_star=r_star, m_star=m_star,
            period=period, t0=t0, b=b,
            ecc=ecc, omega=omega)

        # Compute the model light curve using starry
        light_curves = xo.StarryLightCurve(u_star).get_light_curve(
            orbit=orbit, r=r_pl, t=x[mask], texp=texp)*1e3
        light_curve = pm.math.sum(light_curves, axis=-1) + mean
        pm.Deterministic("light_curves", light_curves)

        # GP model for the light curve
        kernel =, log_w0=logw0, Q=1/np.sqrt(2))
        gp =, x[mask], tt.exp(logs2) + tt.zeros(mask.sum()), J=2)
        pm.Potential("transit_obs", gp.log_likelihood(y[mask] - light_curve))
        pm.Deterministic("gp_pred", gp.predict())

        # Fit for the maximum a posteriori parameters, I've found that I can get
        # a better solution by trying different combinations of parameters in turn
        if start is None:
            start = model.test_point
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=start, vars=[logs2, logpower, logw0])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[logr])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[b])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[logP, t0])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[u_star])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[logr])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[b])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[ecc, omega])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[mean])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln, vars=[logs2, logpower, logw0])
        map_soln = xo.optimize(start=map_soln)

    return model, map_soln

model0, map_soln0 = build_model()
optimizing logp for variables: ['logw0', 'logpower', 'logs2']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 12740.765561069971 -> 13007.915373837846
optimizing logp for variables: ['logr']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13007.915373837846 -> 13009.375296936547
optimizing logp for variables: ['b_interval__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13009.37529693655 -> 13011.964145594648
optimizing logp for variables: ['t0', 'logP']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13011.964145594648 -> 13025.549814395878
optimizing logp for variables: ['u_star_quadlimbdark__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13025.54981439587 -> 13028.711073192928
optimizing logp for variables: ['logr']
message: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
logp: 13028.711073192928 -> 13028.922206186133
optimizing logp for variables: ['b_interval__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13028.922206186126 -> 13029.259565820235
optimizing logp for variables: ['omega_angle__', 'ecc_logodds__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13029.259565820235 -> 13049.868148593856
optimizing logp for variables: ['mean']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13049.86814859386 -> 13049.889405526703
optimizing logp for variables: ['logw0', 'logpower', 'logs2']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13049.889405526703 -> 13049.918411594184
optimizing logp for variables: ['logpower', 'logw0', 'logs2', 'omega_angle__', 'ecc_logodds__', 'logr', 'b_interval__', 't0', 'logP', 'r_star', 'm_star', 'u_star_quadlimbdark__', 'mean']
message: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
logp: 13049.918411594203 -> 13052.459974919158

Here’s how we plot the initial light curve model:

def plot_light_curve(soln, mask=None):
    if mask is None:
        mask = np.ones(len(x), dtype=bool)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(10, 7), sharex=True)

    ax = axes[0]
    ax.plot(x[mask], y[mask], "k", label="data")
    gp_mod = soln["gp_pred"] + soln["mean"]
    ax.plot(x[mask], gp_mod, color="C2", label="gp model")
    ax.set_ylabel("relative flux [ppt]")

    ax = axes[1]
    ax.plot(x[mask], y[mask] - gp_mod, "k", label="de-trended data")
    for i, l in enumerate("b"):
        mod = soln["light_curves"][:, i]
        ax.plot(x[mask], mod, label="planet {0}".format(l))
    ax.legend(fontsize=10, loc=3)
    ax.set_ylabel("de-trended flux [ppt]")

    ax = axes[2]
    mod = gp_mod + np.sum(soln["light_curves"], axis=-1)
    ax.plot(x[mask], y[mask] - mod, "k")
    ax.axhline(0, color="#aaaaaa", lw=1)
    ax.set_ylabel("residuals [ppt]")
    ax.set_xlim(x[mask].min(), x[mask].max())
    ax.set_xlabel("time [days]")

    return fig


As in the together tutorial, we can do some sigma clipping to remove significant outliers.

mod = map_soln0["gp_pred"] + map_soln0["mean"] + np.sum(map_soln0["light_curves"], axis=-1)
resid = y - mod
rms = np.sqrt(np.median(resid**2))
mask = np.abs(resid) < 5 * rms

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(x, resid, "k", label="data")
plt.plot(x[~mask], resid[~mask], "xr", label="outliers")
plt.axhline(0, color="#aaaaaa", lw=1)
plt.ylabel("residuals [ppt]")
plt.xlabel("time [days]")
plt.legend(fontsize=12, loc=3)
plt.xlim(x.min(), x.max());

And then we re-build the model using the data without outliers.

model, map_soln = build_model(mask, map_soln0)
plot_light_curve(map_soln, mask);
optimizing logp for variables: ['logw0', 'logpower', 'logs2']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13706.965171929465 -> 13737.924647263992
optimizing logp for variables: ['logr']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.924647263992 -> 13737.944799031835
optimizing logp for variables: ['b_interval__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.944799031839 -> 13737.945672047628
optimizing logp for variables: ['t0', 'logP']
message: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
logp: 13737.945672047628 -> 13737.954508551973
optimizing logp for variables: ['u_star_quadlimbdark__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.954508551977 -> 13737.978356987767
optimizing logp for variables: ['logr']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.978356987767 -> 13737.981517082586
optimizing logp for variables: ['b_interval__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.981517082586 -> 13737.990354096222
optimizing logp for variables: ['omega_angle__', 'ecc_logodds__']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.990354096222 -> 13737.990393687394
optimizing logp for variables: ['mean']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.990393687402 -> 13737.993544839675
optimizing logp for variables: ['logw0', 'logpower', 'logs2']
message: Optimization terminated successfully.
logp: 13737.993544839675 -> 13737.993547696959
optimizing logp for variables: ['logpower', 'logw0', 'logs2', 'omega_angle__', 'ecc_logodds__', 'logr', 'b_interval__', 't0', 'logP', 'r_star', 'm_star', 'u_star_quadlimbdark__', 'mean']
message: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
logp: 13737.993547696966 -> 13738.00534645991

Now that we have the model, we can sample it using a exoplanet.PyMC3Sampler:

sampler = xo.PyMC3Sampler(window=100, start=200, finish=300)
with model:
    burnin = sampler.tune(tune=3500, start=map_soln,
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 808/808 [06:48<00:00,  2.37s/draws]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 408/408 [03:10<00:00,  1.43s/draws]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 808/808 [06:46<00:00,  4.98s/draws]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 1608/1608 [19:31<00:00,  1.35s/draws]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 3208/3208 [46:32<00:00,  2.57s/draws]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 7208/7208 [1:31:00<00:00,  1.29s/draws]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 1208/1208 [11:13<00:00,  5.46s/draws]
with model:
    trace = sampler.sample(draws=2000, chains=4)
Multiprocess sampling (4 chains in 4 jobs)
NUTS: [logpower, logw0, logs2, omega, ecc, logr, b, t0, logP, r_star, m_star, u_star, mean]
Sampling 4 chains: 100%|██████████| 8000/8000 [1:06:42<00:00,  1.94s/draws]
There were 2 divergences after tuning. Increase target_accept or reparameterize.
There was 1 divergence after tuning. Increase target_accept or reparameterize.
There were 2 divergences after tuning. Increase target_accept or reparameterize.
The number of effective samples is smaller than 25% for some parameters.
pm.summary(trace, varnames=["logw0", "logpower", "logs2", "omega", "ecc", "r_pl", "b", "t0", "logP", "r_star", "m_star", "u_star", "mean"])
mean sd mc_error hpd_2.5 hpd_97.5 n_eff Rhat
logw0 1.177842 0.133253 0.001442 0.915726 1.428598 6880.309715 0.999938
logpower -2.103472 0.310105 0.003142 -2.699949 -1.484232 8957.497811 0.999902
logs2 -4.382664 0.010565 0.000122 -4.402639 -4.361231 8622.395622 0.999872
omega 0.634482 1.744629 0.041760 -2.830516 3.140029 1912.083909 1.000402
ecc 0.194579 0.143770 0.002673 0.000020 0.485485 2634.581829 1.001555
r_pl 0.017267 0.000672 0.000016 0.016012 0.018598 1848.449432 1.001955
b 0.421784 0.208346 0.005215 0.002668 0.729203 1595.655720 1.000562
t0 -1.197383 0.000742 0.000019 -1.198671 -1.196034 1504.229627 1.000846
logP 1.835410 0.000071 0.000001 1.835266 1.835536 5502.547441 1.000217
r_star 1.098236 0.022990 0.000263 1.052816 1.143295 8027.388665 1.000163
m_star 1.095929 0.040373 0.000374 1.015722 1.173304 8255.518863 1.000028
u_star__0 0.203137 0.170006 0.002621 0.000137 0.540508 4682.665573 1.001845
u_star__1 0.449197 0.273692 0.004641 -0.073986 0.947288 3996.681418 1.002241
mean -0.001232 0.009156 0.000109 -0.019301 0.016465 6966.793794 1.000105


After sampling, we can make the usual plots. First, let’s look at the folded light curve plot:

# Compute the GP prediction
gp_mod = np.median(trace["gp_pred"] + trace["mean"][:, None], axis=0)

# Get the posterior median orbital parameters
p = np.median(trace["period"])
t0 = np.median(trace["t0"])

# Plot the folded data
x_fold = (x[mask] - t0 + 0.5*p) % p - 0.5*p
plt.plot(x_fold, y[mask] - gp_mod, ".k", label="data", zorder=-1000)

# Overplot the phase binned light curve
bins = np.linspace(-0.41, 0.41, 50)
denom, _ = np.histogram(x_fold, bins)
num, _ = np.histogram(x_fold, bins, weights=y[mask])
denom[num == 0] = 1.0
plt.plot(0.5*(bins[1:] + bins[:-1]), num / denom, "o", color="C2",

# Plot the folded model
inds = np.argsort(x_fold)
inds = inds[np.abs(x_fold)[inds] < 0.3]
pred = trace["light_curves"][:, inds, 0]
pred = np.percentile(pred, [16, 50, 84], axis=0)
plt.plot(x_fold[inds], pred[1], color="C1", label="model")
art = plt.fill_between(x_fold[inds], pred[0], pred[2], color="C1", alpha=0.5,

# Annotate the plot with the planet's period
txt = "period = {0:.5f} +/- {1:.5f} d".format(
    np.mean(trace["period"]), np.std(trace["period"]))
plt.annotate(txt, (0, 0), xycoords="axes fraction",
             xytext=(5, 5), textcoords="offset points",
             ha="left", va="bottom", fontsize=12)

plt.legend(fontsize=10, loc=4)
plt.xlim(-0.5*p, 0.5*p)
plt.xlabel("time since transit [days]")
plt.ylabel("de-trended flux")
plt.xlim(-0.15, 0.15);

And a corner plot of some of the key parameters:

import corner
import astropy.units as u
varnames = ["period", "b", "ecc", "r_pl"]
samples = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace, varnames=varnames)

# Convert the radius to Earth radii
samples["r_pl"] = (np.array(samples["r_pl"]) * u.R_sun).to(u.R_earth).value

    samples[["period", "r_pl", "b", "ecc"]],
    labels=["period [days]", "radius [Earth radii]", "impact param", "eccentricity"]);

These all seem consistent with the previously published values and an earlier inconsistency between this radius measurement and the literature has been resolved by fixing a bug in exoplanet.