

exoplanet is a toolkit for probabilistic modeling of transit and/or radial velocity observations of exoplanets and other astronomical time series using PyMC3. PyMC3 is a flexible and high-performance model building language and inference engine that scales well to problems with a large number of parameters. exoplanet extends PyMC3’s language to support many of the custom functions and distributions required when fitting exoplanet datasets. These features include:

All of these functions and distributions include methods for efficiently calculating their gradients so that they can be used with gradient-based inference methods like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, No U-Turns Sampling, and variational inference. These methods tend to be more robust than the methods more commonly used in astronomy (like ensemble samplers and nested sampling) especially when the model has more than a few parameters. For many exoplanet applications, exoplanet (the code) can improve the typical performance by orders of magnitude.

exoplanet is being actively developed in a public repository on GitHub so if you have any trouble, open an issue there.

Where to find what you need

1. For general installation and basic usage, continue scrolling to the table of contents below.

2. For more in depth examples of exoplanet used for more realistic problems, go to the Case studies page.

3. For more information about scalable Gaussian Processes in PyMC3 (this was previously implemented as part of exoplanet), see the celerite2 documentation page.

4. For helper functions and PyMC3 extras that used to be implemented as part of exoplanet, see the pymc3-ext project.

License & attribution

Copyright 2018, 2019, 2020 Daniel Foreman-Mackey.

The source code is made available under the terms of the MIT license.

If you make use of this code, please cite this package and its dependencies. You can find more information about how and what to cite in the citation documentation.

These docs were made using Sphinx and the Typlog theme. They are built and hosted on Read the Docs.


0.4.1 (2020-11-15)

  • Fixes pickling error when sampling in parallel #120

0.4.0 (2020-10-05)

  • Adds faster solver for Kepler’s equation

  • Improves automation of documentation and release process

  • Removes most C++ Ops and replaces them with pre-compiled functions which allows the distribution of binary wheels

  • Removes gp submodule; moved to new celerite2 package

  • Deprecates some non-exoplanet-specific functions and distributions; moved to pymc3-ext package

0.3.3 (2020-09-09)

  • Fixes compatibility with PyMC3 version 3.9

0.3.2 (2020-05-04)

  • Fixes a documentation bug introduced in v0.3.1

0.3.1 (2020-05-04)

  • Adds support for light travel time when computing positions in Keplerian orbits

  • Adds SecondaryEclipseLightCurve for modeling eclipsing binaries

  • Adds UnitDisk distribution for fitting eccentricity vectors

0.3.0 (2020-04-03)

  • Adds tests and support for Windows

  • Adds a “Jacobian” interface to the orbit objects for reparameterization

0.2.6 (2020-03-23)

  • Adds support for fitting circular orbits with duration

  • Adds a bls_estimator for transit search using Astropy’s BoxLeastSquares

0.2.5 (2020-03-11)

  • Improves infrastructure for generating documentation

  • Adds an EclipsingBinaryLightCurve for building binary star models

  • Adds DensityDist implementation for celerite GP likelihoods

0.2.4 (2019-12-30)

  • Makes rebound an optional dependency

0.2.3 (2019-11-12)

  • Adds ConditionalMeanOp and DotLOp for scalable conditional mean calculation and prior sampling with celerite

  • Adds developer documentation

  • Moves documentation to a separate repository

0.2.2 (2019-10-25)

  • Adds TTVOrbit tutorial

  • Switches tutorials to lightkurve for data access

  • Improves packaging and code style features

  • Fixes bugs and improves interface to TTVOrbit

0.2.1 (2019-09-26)

  • Adds a new interface for tuning dense mass matrices with less overhead

  • Adds support for photodynamics using rebound

  • Adds a new interface for assigning units to Theano variables

  • Adds new physically-motivated distributions for impact parameter and eccentricity

  • Improves test coverage

  • Fixes bug in diagonal elements of the IntegratedTerm model

  • Fixes bug in indexing for TTVOrbit models with large TTVs

0.2.0 (2019-08-04)

  • Updates starry to get much better performance for high order spherical harmonics

  • Renames StarryLightCurve to LimbDarkLightCurve

  • Restructures the C++ backend to reduce code duplication

  • Adds support for fitting of astrometric observations

  • Adds support for exposure time integration in celerite models

  • Adds new distributions for periodic parameters and U(0, 1).

  • Fixes many small bugs

0.1.6 (2019-04-24)

  • Fixes some edge case failures for Kepler solver

  • Improves reliability of contact point solver and fails (more) gracefully when this doesn’t work; this reduces the number of divergences when fitting a transit model

0.1.5 (2019-03-07)

  • Improves contact point solver using companion matrix to solve quadratic

  • Improves reliability of Angle distribution when the value of the angle is well constrained

0.1.4 (2019-02-10)

  • Improves the reliability of the PyMC3Sampler

  • Adds a new optimize function since the find_MAP method in PyMC3 is deprecated

  • Adds cronjob script for automatically updating tutorials.

0.1.3 (2019-01-09)

  • Adds a more robust and faster Kepler solver (ref)

  • Fixes minor behavioral bugs in PyMC3 sampler wrapper

0.1.2 (2018-12-13)

  • Adds regular grid interpolation Op for Theano

  • Fixes major bug in handling of the stellar radius for transits

  • Fixes small bugs in packaging and installation

  • Fixes handling of diagonal covariances in PyMC3Sampler

0.1.1 (IPO; 2018-12-06)

  • Initial public release