

exoplanet requires Python 3.6 and later.

Using pip

The recommended method of installing exoplanet is with pip:

python -m pip install -U exoplanet

If you want to install some recommended extras (pymc3-ext and celerite2), you can use the following, or just follow the instructions on the relevant documentation pages:

python -m pip install -U "exoplanet[extras]"

Both of these installation methods will install the required dependencies:

Using conda

exoplanet can also be installed using conda from conda-forge:

conda install -c conda-forge exoplanet

From Source

The source code for exoplanet can be downloaded and installed from GitHub by running

git clone
cd exoplanet
python -m pip install -e .


To run the unit tests, install the development dependencies using pip:

python -m pip install -e ".[test]"

and then execute:

python -m pytest -v tests

All of the tests should (of course) pass. If any of the tests don’t pass and if you can’t sort out why, open an issue on GitHub.