About these tutorials#

This and the following tutorials are automatically executed with every change of the code to make sure that they are always up to date with the code. As a result, they are designed to require only a relatively small amount of computation time; when using exoplanet for research you will probably find that your runtimes are longer. For more in-depth tutorials with real-world applications and real data, check out the Case Studies page.

At the top of each tutorial, you’ll find a cell like the following that indicates the version of exoplanet that was used to generate the tutorial:

import exoplanet

print(f"exoplanet.__version__ = '{exoplanet.__version__}'")
WARNING (theano.tensor.blas): Using NumPy C-API based implementation for BLAS functions.
exoplanet.__version__ = '0.5.4.dev0+g4fd768a.d20221013'

That cell also includes a call to the exoplanet.utils.docs_setup function that will squash some warnings (these are generally caused by Theano/Aesara; see Theano vs. Aesara for more info) and set up our matplotlib style.

To exectute a tutorial on your own, you can click on the buttons at the top right or this page to launch the notebook using Binder or download the .ipynb file directly.